Friday, April 30, 2010


If the wind came in at 125 mph
I think it might uproot
this small new lemon tree
this small new orange tree
and this just blossoming tomato plant;
but I don't think it would uproot
this lavender bush--purple
for the glory; feminine
in its delicateness--
nor these four sticks--
raspberry plants
that may or may not grow--
common, unlovely, capable
of bearing berries
for years after I am gone.

Thursday, April 29, 2010


The passage opens
closes and opens;
its reality
     born in
     the child
     of truth and beauty.
It holds the clear tone
     of each living creature
     and of these rocks, too
     these leaves of grass
     this moving water
     and still
     this incoming air.

M & M's

Lost this battle
M & M's won
I devour them
But they win.